Keystone, Colorado

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Ended up at Keystone after a Gaper Day bus fiaso and had a lovely day. Full on spring day but not so warm everything got totally slushy. Continue to love the bumps on North Peak. In perhaps a first for me at Keystone, never made it to the Outback, though Judah did after taking a wrong turn.

Have never seen so many people (10?) at the Summit Cove bus stop, including a lady in a banana suit & a couple with a dog in a tracksuit drinking beer at 9:30am. Bus was about 30 min late due to traffic (?) messing up the routes, and then was completely NYC-style full by the time we got to Keystone. They made us switch buses to get to A-Basin rather than just continue on, and the line for the next bus was easily 2 buses long, so I just stayed at Keystone. It was chill and great!