Nashoba Valley, Massachusetts
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
First Nashoba race night. Temps in the low 30s with a light mist that turned slowly into a drizzle. Pretty good snow though. First week, race against your teammates, so I drew Dan. I skied pretty well the first run, only making a recovery towards the bottom of the pitch, and was pretty fast, I thought. Second run, there were some holes developing, I felt a twinge in my back, and I wasn't mentally into it, so I skied safe and with a focus on finishing with minimal risk. Made it.
I won the blue course for the day, and was fourth on the day in the red course, where I wasn't even close to trying my best. Overall, good enough for third, but I won the even numbers by far, since I won both runs for the evens. Really, a good start to the year. The '18 SLs really come around nicely.